July 2014 Staff Gear Picks!

This month most of the staff favored unusual and custom made items, from a modded amp to a guitar made with old-school hide glue and electric guitars with custom made pickups. Read on to check out all our July Staff Picks.

Jim BaggettSOLD! Taylor Koa 12 Fret BTO Acoustic Guitar
This guitar has a very nice sound and I think the Koa is well suited to the Grand Concert body style. Beautiful detailing on this too.

Taylor Koa 12 Fret BTO Acoustic GuitarJim’s pick, this Taylor Koa GC was a custom order, put together for the store by Eric P.

Josh Baldridge Anderson Raven Electric Guitar
For anyone looking for a comfortable and well balanced version of a Jazzmaster, Tom Anderson’s Raven is a beautiful model. The Raven is a more sleek take on the classic offset body design and I for one am a big fan!

Tom Anderson Short Raven offset guitar in white
Josh picked this Anderson Raven, which has a Jazzmaster vibe and a perfect build throughout.

Eric MardisChuck Lee Fretless Banjo
I can’t play it, but I love trying. It sounds incredible in minstrel tuning, double c, g minor… it’s addictive!

Chuck Lee Fretless Open Back Banjo
Eric M.’ s fallen for this Chuck Lee Fretless Open Back Banjo!

Eric PutnamTom Anderson Short Hollow Mongrel Electric Guitar
I love the versatility of this guitar. I would feel confident taking it to anything from a blues gig to a metal gig. It doesn’t hurt that it plays like a dream as well! 

Tom Anderson Short Hollow Mongrel Electric Guitar
Another sleek Anderson electric caught Eric P.’s attention, this versatile Mongrel.

Ted KritikosAnalog Outfitters The Road Amp Head
I mean just look at this amp! It sounds incredible too.

Analog Outfitters The Road Guitar AmpThis new Road amp from Analog Outfitters gives you grit galore and a casing made from recycled road signs.

Mike HoranRepair LuthierLeo Posch DM Acoustic Guitar
I just put fresh strings on this guitar and holy cow! It just about blew the barn doors off! This acoustic has incredible projection for a brand new guitar.

Leo Posch DM Acoustic GuitarLuthier Mike H. is blown away by this Kansas made Leo Posch DM acoustic.

Matt HarmonRepair LuthierSkreddy Little Miss Sunshine Phaser Pedal
Easy to use, great sound, super quiet, and is seafoam green. Other phasers don’t even come close.

Skreddy Little Miss Sunshine Phaser PedalMatt H.’s pick, the Skreddy Little Miss Sunshine Phaser!

Mike RunyonRepair LuthierEastman E20P Acoustic Guitar
Obviously this is made from quality materials…Rosewood back and sides, an Adirondack top, Ebony fretboard & pyramid bridge. It has a huge sound, but a balanced output whether you’re lightly picking or powerfully strumming. I think this is one that will certainly age nicely.

Eastman E20 P Parlor Guitar - naturalLuthier Mike R.’s pick, the Adirondack-topped parlor, the Eastman E20P!

Susan WillitsCalton Cases
Great American made case for guitars, banjos, mandos and more. They’re sturdy enough you could drive your tractor over it (I think)! I love the bumpers around the latches too, plus they come in great colors.

Calton Banjo Case, WhiteSusan W.’s pick, the indestructible Calton Case!

Thomas HammCollings 290 DCS Electric Guitar
Reminiscent of an old Melody Maker or LP, this Collings 290 DC S is everything awesome about a vintage Gibson, but somehow even cooler. It’s probably because we have the same haircut.

Collings 290 DCS Electric Guitar - White
This Collings 290 DCS is the perfect rocker, and Thomas H.’s favorite this month.

Anne Tangeman
Gehring Fender Vibroverb Conversion Amp
For years now, Gehring has been putting a few, very special amps for sale in our store and we’re always proud to have them. He’s a local amp genius and comes up with brilliant mods and conversions. This Vibroverb is a great example. Instead of a touchy vintage amp, this is now an incredibly great sounding, super reliable amp with a vintage vibe that’s set for the next millennium.

Gehring Fender Vibroverb Conversion AmpJeff Gehring’s created another masterpiece amp with this Bandmaster to Vibroverb conversion.

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