New Pickup Test Drive: Fralin Twangmaster with Vintage Hots

The Pickup Test Drive was born out of our deep knowledge of pickups and installations, plus our penchant for experimenting. We like to give our customers a chance to try out various pickup combinations in a variety of guitars, so every few months we’ll grab one of the staff’s own guitars and load it with a different pickup combo for you to try. Our latest … Continue reading New Pickup Test Drive: Fralin Twangmaster with Vintage Hots

Pickup Test Drive: Fralin Blues Special & 8k Humbucker

We do a lot of pickup installations for folks and we love offering different pickup combinations for you to try out (and our luthiers always come up with killer pairings). This used Epiphone G-400 arrived and our luthier Matt H. jumped at the chance to mod it with some new pickups (Fralins) – it’s a great, inexpensive way to change up a guitar. He ended … Continue reading Pickup Test Drive: Fralin Blues Special & 8k Humbucker