Brian Soden – Collings Acoustic Guitars – D2H A Traditional Series – Vintage Satin – Sunburst
Every year around now the radio in my truck shifts from old Rolling Stones and Black Crowes tunes to Bill Monroe and Flatt & Scruggs. Why do you ask? The 52nd Annual Walnut Valley Festival Flatpicking Championships, aka “Winfield”, is just weeks away! The festival, located in Winfield, KS, is just a little over a 2.5 hr drive from our shop in Lawrence, KS and where I caught the bluegrass bug several years ago. Seeing Molly Tuttle, Billy Strings, and my buddy, Rick Faris, perform there on the main stage over the years really made a big impression on me.

That brings me to this guitar. What an amazing example of what Collings is bringing to the table these days. Dry, woody, punchy, and lots of headroom. Perfect for keeping up with a banjo and mandolin. Everything feels right about this guitar in my hands and it looks just as great as it sounds. When it arrived I said to myself, “Well, there’s a Winfield guitar.” Matt K spec’d this guitar out and I must say he is doing the Lord’s work.

Collings Acoustic Guitars - D2H A Traditional Series - Vintage Satin - Sunburst

Check out our collection of Boutique Acoustic Guitars at Mass Street Music!

Jim Baggett – Martin Acoustic Guitars – 1945 000-18
A wonderful example of a lightweight, mid-40s 000 that has a responsive sound.

Martin Acoustic Guitars - 1945 000-18

Our Collings inventory is always changing – head on over to view the latest in our Vintage Collection!

Jack Bryan – Rickenbacker Electric Guitars – 2018 360 Mapleglo – Used
There’s not much I can say that hasn’t been said about these guitars already. Beautiful tone, iconic design, top-notch craftsmanship; it’s got it all. What makes this one stand out to me is just how smooth and easy it is to play, thanks in part to a recent PLEK fret dress it received. But don’t just take my word for it, next time you’re in the shop, make sure to check this guy out!

Rickenbacker Electric Guitars - 2018 360 Mapleglo - Used

Check out our collection of used gear!

Marnie Orville – Pisgah Banjos – 12″ Woodchuck
After picking up the banjo in January, I finally started getting the hang of clawhammer technique just last month, and this 12” Pisgah has been my favorite to play around the store. So warm and plunky with just enough high end, perfect for playing an old-time tune over, and over, and over…

Pisgah Banjos - 12 Woodchuck

Check out our collection of Banjos at Mass Street Music!

Mike Horan – Gibson Electric Guitars – 1957 ES-225T – Used
Awesome slice of the 1950s in beautiful retro guitar form!

Gibson Electric Guitars - 1957 ES-225T - Used

Check out our current collection of Vintage Guitars over on the website

Matt Harmon – Fender Amps – 1963 Reverb Unit – 6G15
Mmmm, this one drips. Watch out for the men in grey suits.

Fender Amps - 1963 Reverb Unit - 6G15

Check out our collection of Vintage Gear at Mass Street Music!

Isaiah Sibi – Collings Acoustic Guitars – 1997 D1A – Used
What a treat it is to have ’97 Collings in the shop. The Adirondack top is nice and broken in, allowing it to ring like a bell when flatpicking those sweet fiddle melodies, while retaining its charm when backing up fiddle tunes. With some minor wear on it considering its age, this instrument is ready to jump right back into the jamming, performing, and competitive musical scene where it belongs!

Collings Acoustic Guitars - 1997 D1A - Used

Check out our collection of Collings Guitars at Mass Street Music!

Susan Willits – Waterloo by Collings – 2015 WL-14 L T-Bar – SB – Used
We have a Waterloo in the store and what a fun guitar it is! Waterloo guitars are impeccably built, lightweight guitars inspired by the guitars that were played during the depression. This 2015 ladder braced, Waterloo WL-14 looks brand new and is quite striking with its sunburst top and tiger stripe pickguard. It has a very dry, woody, open sound, and is great for playing blues tunes, or some old time rhythm.

Collings Acoustic Guitars - 2017 02 Baked - Used

Take a look through our collection of Acoustic Guitars at Mass Street Music! 

Matt KappenmanSuhr Guitars – Classic S Vintage LE – Firemist Gold – HSS
While I can appreciate a shred machine, I’ll always be a fan of vintage electrics at heart. This Suhr Vintage LE is sort of a best of both worlds. Modern playability and build quality with vintage-inspired pickups and the classic nickel-silver frets. Plus the Firemist gold finish and fingerboard dots just scream understated visual vintage vibes…if one can scream in an understated fashion.

Suhr Guitars - Classic S Vintage LE - Firemist Gold - HSS

Check out our current collection of Boutique Electric Guitars over on the website

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