David Rawlings and Jim Baggett

Musician Dave Rawlings (left) with Jim Bagget

We had some special guests stop by the store in the past month – Dave Rawlings came by at the end of June, before putting on an amazing show in Kansas City. He was kind enough to let us take a quick video while he was hanging out with Jim.

Just last week, Louis Meyers of the Folk Alliance stopped by and we caught up on news about the February 2015 Folk Alliance Conference, which is going to offer even more surprises than last year’s even. He gave a new Collings 01 a spin.

Folk Alliance’s Louis Meyers test driving a Collings 01.

Eventide H9 Effect PedalSeveral new effects pedals have been added to the store, including the Eventide H9 with a full plate of Eventide’s favorite effects all in one box, and the H9 Core with its Pitch/Delay plus plenty of room to add more effects. Both offer customizable additions and manipulations via Bluetooth wireless as well! We also just added hand-built Greenhouse Effects to our pedal selection. On the acoustic side of things, we’ve just received several very fine OM acoustic guitars including this stunning Collings OM1, all Mahogany guitar, which not only sounds deep and beautiful, but also has a full body burst finish. We also received this Martin Amberburst OM-21, which has a classic Sitka Spruce/Rosewood wood combo.

Kansas Fiddling and Picking 2014August 23 is the Kansas State Fiddling and Picking Championships at South Park in Lawrence, Kansas. We’ll be there, watching the incredible musicians give their all for a shot at glory, plus we’re sponsoring one of the stages this year. We’ll also have a booth, so stop by and say hello.

Just before Winfield is the Winfield Warm-Up weekend September 12-14. This is a great chance to get hand-on experience with teachers and award-winning players Jim Hurst (IBMA Guitarist of the Year) and Jeff Guernsey (Fiddling Champion). They’ll be teaching several workshops at the Overland Park-based event. It will also include a Saturday side trip to our store in Lawrence for a Vintage Guitars clinic with our own Jim Baggett, as well as a concert from Hurst and Guernsey at 7pm Saturday, Sept. 13. Find out more about the Winfield Warm-Up here. Of course Winfield, also known as the Walnut Valley Festival, is right around the corner on September 17-21, and we’ll be there under the grandstand, as we have been for the past several decades. The Acoustic Music Getaway in Kansas City, November 7-9, will be a great way to relive it all post-Winfield and is being organized by Flatpick Guitar Magazine’s Dan Miller. Learn more about upcoming Events here. Connect with us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for behind-the-scenes info, free concert tickets and more.

Lastly, a lot of our customers are missing the great bluesman Lee McBee as much as we are. He passed away on June 24, 2014 and will be greatly missed. Our hearts are with his wife Carla and his family, in addition to his large musical family. Here’s to you Lee!

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