The Pickup Test Drive was born out of our deep knowledge of pickups and installations, plus our penchant for experimenting. We like to give our customers a chance to try out various pickup combinations in a variety of guitars, so every few months we’ll grab one of the staff’s own guitars and load it with a different pickup combo for you to try.
Our latest Pickup Test Drive guitar is ready! If you’d like to get a taste of a seriously great Fralin pickup combination, stop by and try out luthier Matt Harmon‘s own guitar, loaded with 3 Fralin pickups. He’s stocked this one with two Lindy Fralin Vintage Hot single coil pickups in the neck and middle, with a 9200k Fralin Twangmaster in the bridge position – a spectacular combo. The guitar will be hanging up in the front room of the store for a few weeks, for locals who want to check out the pickups for themselves. Stop by and give it a go.
Eric M. gave it a run through recently and plugged it into the Gehring Fender Vibroverb Conversion Amp, with the Reverb at about 5. Surf’s up!