A Visit to Don Grosh Guitars!

Even while on vacation the crew here at Mass Street can’t help but check in with some of our favorite builders. From Austin, TX all the way over to Beijing, the team makes a point to check in on how the guitars we sell are created. Plus, it’s always cool to take a peek behind the scenes!

It was on such a trip last month that our own Eric P swung by Grosh Guitars, in Bloomfield, CO. Don’s one of our favorite builders and has been creating such fantastic electric guitars that it feels like half the staff own one. Check out our in-stock collection of some of Don’s awesome work, along with a few photos from Eric’s tour.

Grosh’s Pickup Winding machine used to create their custom pickups at left, along with a glimpse into the shop on the right.

Eric P and Don Grosh with a special appearance from the Grosh shop dog!
Swamp Ash Wood for Future Grosh Tele Top
A Figured Swamp Ash top soon to be a T-Style Grosh Guitar at Mass Street Music
Oh, and did I mention Eric got to check out some of the woods that will be going into a future Mass Street Music guitar…check out this gorgeous Figured Swamp Ash that will be used as the top for a future Grosh T-Style headed this way soon!

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