Strymon has managed to capture the sounds of creative ’50s recording studio reel-to-reel tape effects into a small, incredibly well designed and easy to use pedal, the Strymon Deco. Rockabilly and country players in particular will never want to be without this one, while blues players and others will find convenient boost to overdrive and more all in this awesome tonal toolbox that is, simply put, a heck of a lot of fun to play.
What It Is:
- Classic reel-to-reel studio tape effects in a rock solid effect pedal
- Tape Saturation and Doubletracking – use together or separately
- 5 ‘hidden’ knobs let you hone it in even further with High Trim, Low Trim, Auto-Flange Time, Wide Stereo Mode, +/- 3dB Boost/Cut
- Usable with Strymon Expression Pedal, Tap Favorite Switch (to instantly bring up your favorite settings)
- Everything from boost you’d leave on all the time to sweet Tape Saturation for great leads, flange to slapback effects and more.

Our Two Cents on the Strymon Deco:
Eric P – This is a really fun pedal that gives you that 50s studio vibe. It’s the ultimate Rockabilly machine – the slapback effects are really cool with the Lag Time knob – I like it around 2 o’clock for classic rockabilly sound or dial it back for more of a Flange effect. The whole design is great, it’s really easy to dial in what you want in a linear way. I think this would be really great in the studio too! You could use it for everything from drums to vocals for that tape sound mojo.
Ted K – We had to actually pull him away from using it to play ‘La Bamba’ to get his thoughts on the Deco, here they are:
This Deco’s really great for Buddy Holly, Johnny Cash, Setzer type riffs – it’s very cool.
Eric M – This Deco’s super cool – it instantly made me want to play rockabilly and Carl Perkins type stuff but I think it’d be great for blues too. I’m actually surprised by how much I liked the Tape Saturation side too. Strymon really nailed the 50s style studio tricks.

Fatter leads, thicker tone, sweet, swirling flange and more – all super lush and fully tweakable. Add an expression pedal to take it even further, a Strymon Favorite Switch for your preset, or an external tap for tapping the Lag Time. Check out this Deco Pedal video for a taste of all this mindblowing pedal can do and check out Strymon’s site to learn even more. Check out all our Strymon Pedals in stock here. Interested? Questions? Call us at 800-747-9980 or Contact Us.